U.S. District Court
Fee Schedule
Filing a civil action | $350 plus a $55 administrative fee. |
Filing a writ of habeas corpus | $5 |
Appeal of a district court decision to U.S. Circuit Court | $605 |
Filing or indexing any document not in a case or proceeding for which a filing fee has been paid (miscellaneous case) | $52 |
Search of the Records (per name or item searched) | $34 |
Certification of any document or paper | $12 |
Exemplification of any document or paper | $24 |
Issuance of an apostille | $50 |
Reproducing any record or paper | 50¢ |
Reproduction of recordings of proceedings | $34 |
Microfiche (per sheet of film, where available) | $7 |
Retrieval of one box of records from a Federal Records Center, National Archives or other storage location removed from the place of business of the court | $70 |
For retrievals involving multiple boxes | $43 for each additional box. |
For any payment returned or denied for insufficient of funds | $53 |
Appeal to a district judge from judgment of conviction by a magistrate in a misdemeanor case | $41 |
Attorney admission, including a certificate of admission | $199 |
Duplicate certificate of admission or certificate of good standing | $21 |
Attorney admission pro hac vice | $100 |
Handling of registry funds (for invested funds only) | 2.0% - 10% of interest on the account depending on the size of the investment and the length of time investment funds are held |
Filing a case under Title III of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996, P.L. 104-114, 110 Stat § 785 (1996). This fee is in addition to the filing fee for a civil action |
$7,202 |
Processing fee for a petty offense charged on a federal violation notice | $30 |
28:1821 Witness fee | $40 |
Mileage: | Automobiles - $0.655 per mile Motorcycles - $0.635 per mile |
Retrieval of records via the SmartScan service (maximum of 100 pages) from the Federal Records Center, the fee consists of three components: | $11 Judiciary administrative fee, plus $9.90 charge for the FRC pulling and refiling of paper records, plus $.65 FRC charge per PDF page. |