Juror Qualification Questionnaire
If you recently received a notification regarding your juror qualification questionnaire identical to this page, it is a legitimate notice from this court. Read the notice and follow the instructions contained therein.
To complete the questionnaire:
- Click the eJuror link.
- Enter your 9-digit participant number (located near your name and address), date of birth, and the first three letters of your last name.
- Follow the prompts, and be sure to completely answer each question.
- Review your responses and submit your answers by clicking "Confirm" at the end of the questionnaire.
You will be allowed three tries to log in, after that you will be locked out and will need to close and reopen your internet browser before you try again.
If you do not have internet/computer access, call 1-888-408-2651 to request a paper questionnaire. You must follow the prompts on this automated help line. You will be mailed a paper questionnaire that looks like this, along with a prepaid envelope within about a month. Fill out this questionnaire completely and return by mail in the envelope provided.
Federal law requires that you complete the questionnaire within 10 days of receipt of the letter or paper questionnaire. If you are completing the questionnaire after the 10-day response deadline, please complete and return this form as soon as possible. Do not call to explain.
Guide to Jury Service
This website is designed for jurors, employers, and the public to use to find useful information about the Federal jury system.
The links to the left are provided to help you with information regarding jury service, frequently asked questions and information for employers regarding employer obligation.
If you have questions or need additional information, contact us by calling 1-888-408-2651.
You Can Make a Difference
Without you, the jury system cannot work the way the authors of the Constitution wanted. Yet jury service means rearranging schedules, canceling appointments, and oftentimes missing work. But if you were on trial, wouldn't you want someone like you to make the sacrifices necessary to be a part of your jury? Your public service as a juror protects our right to have a trial by an impartial jury.
Over and over, jurors who have served tell us they enjoy being involved in making an important civic decision. Often jury service is the most direct participation the average citizen can have in the workings of government.
Thank you for serving!